- Guest Blogger -

Hey guys, 

I got an e-mail from a lady named Melanie would asked me to share this article she has written. While it talks about how to deal with cancer through blogging or keeping a journal I think it can really apply to anyone going through a hardship; or just needing a way to cope with life. Here is the article, I hope you enjoy! 

Most people can honestly say that they make lists; grocery lists, Christmas lists, guest lists, birthday lists and to-do lists. Fewer people can honestly say that they make lists of their goals; that they catalog their wants and desires and use their lists as a personal form of motivation to achieve those goals and live the life they’ve always wanted. Using a blog or a journal to catalog dreams, desires and wishes is a way to motivate oneself to success, whether it is in business, personal life or illness.
Keeping a journal or starting a blog is one way that people deal with their stress and emotions in a healthy manner. In particular, those that are suffering from illness such as depression or even a rare form of mesothelioma cancer can benefit most from keeping a journal and cataloging their thoughts to ensure a better prognosis. A person that is suffering from cancer or another disease typically deals with a major load of stress on average. All those worries can bring a persons mood, health and even quality of life down significantly, which is why it is a great idea to journal or blog. Writing down emotions, stresses, feelings and even goals that a person wants to accomplish in their life is a great way of dealing head on with stress.
Cancer treatments are difficult on people. They can cause illness and depression and bad days. When a person is having a bad day, it helps immeasurably to be able to look back on the journal they’ve been keeping and read about their journey thus far. Seeing that they’ve lived through previous bad days and that good days are never far away can help to improve a person’s mood, and their quality of life. Quality of life is of the utmost importance in terms of dealing with any type of illness. A person’s quality of life could make or break they way they handle their treatment and their prognosis after treatment.
Journaling does not require a person writing down their exact feelings or emotions on paper through complete sentences. Journaling can be drawings, lists, notes or phrases. Writing down lists of goals, things to do and places to go and see can help a person realize that there is more to life than cancer and itstreatment and that once their treatment ends they have their whole life to experience the things on their lists. These lists and the words written in a person’s journal can be the best type of motivation. This will help a person in dealing with illness to continue down their path of recovery with a better attitude, better health and a better outlook on life. Keeping a journal can help one look forward to the future and be excited about the life they have to live.- Melanie a guest writer  For more information go to: Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance 

Love and Hope,


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