Knott's Berry Farm

Hi everyone,
So last week I went to Knott's Berry Farm for the first time! I performed there with my Sign Language group. And for those of you who don't know just what I mean by signing to music , here is a brief explanation. We put a CD into the player and while the music (lyrics and all!) is playing from the speakers, we interpret what is being sung into Sign Language. 

I had never been to Knott's Berry Farm before but I had looked up on the internet to see what rides they had. Sadly, I am limited to only a few rides. Usually the kiddie ones. Haha. This is because of my heart condition and the pacemaker/defibulator I have. Some of the seat belts for the rides, the ones that go over the shoulders could move the pacemaker/defibulator that is inside of me. And the G-Force from the roller coaster could possibly kill me. So it's best that I stick to carousels and water rides. Which I don't mind, thankfully. But I must say, I do miss being able to go on roller coasters. I am an adrenaline junky; so it is a bit sad and hard for me to watch all these people come off of roller coasters with these big smiles on their faces and know that I can't do that. I think one of the things I look forward to the most with a transplant is that I will be able to go on my beloved roller coasters again. While I miss Mountain Dew because I can't have caffeine and I wish I wasn't on a low salt diet - I miss roller coasters the most. 

However, I did have fun even if I couldn't go on the roller coasters. I went on the rides that I could go on and I enjoyed every minute of it. It was a great way to start the summer. I got to do one of my favorite hobbies, go on a bunch of rides and I hung out with a group of amazing people. I think it's important to remember that just because you can't do a few things - doesn't mean you can't have fun. 

Hope and Love,

Here is a video of me doing American Sign Language to music to help you see just what exactly I do. 


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My Life As A Chronically
Ill Young Adult
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