To Grandmother's House We Go!

Good afternoon readers! 
This past week but mainly Thursday, Friday and today have been a busy one for my family and I. We are getting our floors redone so we have packed up all of our belongings and moved over to my grandma's house. Keep in mind there are 7 people in the house, plus a baby, five dogs and 3 cats living in a four bedroom house. However one of the rooms is used as a storage. We are not used to living so close together, so this should be an interesting week. 

My grandmother was moved into an assisted living home a few months back, so she is not here with us. Which is probably a good thing considering we have over taken her house with our stuff, especially all the baby toys for our 10 month old nephew. My grandma is 90 years old and has never had Wifi and her television had been disconnected. So all of last night and part of this morning all we had to entertain ourselves was a radio. Well and I had my home work which I got done for the most part. Cami my little sister was smart and brought a puzzle. I sadly forgot my books back at the house so if we go back sometime, I will make sure to grab some. My older sister Misty and I are sharing a room, which we have never done before. Just hope that we can both agree on a time to turn off the lights since I tend to go to bed before she does. She has already told me that my oxygen tank will have to sit outside the door of our bedroom because the hum from it is too loud, haha. I don't mind, since I do that at our house anyways for my room. 

We should be here for about two weeks, give or take. This should be an interesting adventure and I will make sure to keep all of you updated. So far its going well, just still organizing things and trying to figure out where to put all of our stuff in this small house. 

Hope and Love,


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Ill Young Adult
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