What Are You Thankful For?

Yesterday was Thanksgiving. A day for family, food and being thankful for all the things we have. Although I do find it a bit ironic that the day after the day we give thanks for what we have, we go out and buy more things that we don't necessarily need but just want... How thankful are we really being if we do that? 

For the first time, I actually went shopping on Black Friday. It was exhausting, packed and to be honest I only bought one thing. I saw people walking around the mall with bags and bags filled with new toys, clothes, shoes and who else knows what. I think the whole idea of Thanksgiving is a wonderful one. Sit down with loved ones and give thanks for what you are fortunate enough to have. But I wish people would let that carry on into every single day of their life. 

My mom has always taught me that the most important things in life aren't things. And on a day like Thanksgiving, it's wonderful that people take time to remember that. But why is it that the day after we say we are thankful, we as a society seem to forget that and we push and shove people just to get a good deal on the next big thing

Instead of posting a 'I'm Thankful For...' List on Thanksgiving Day, I decided to post it the day after to encourage everyone to remember to be thankful every day. No matter if its National Holiday telling you to do so or not. I encourage you all to post what you are thankful for after reading this. Lets be thankful every day. Not just on one day out of the year. 

Hope and Love,

What I'm Thankful For: 
  • My parents - for loving me and supporting me 
  • My siblings - for always being there for me 
  • Being put up for adoption - I may not be here today if I hadn't been put for adoption 
  • Medical technology - for saving my life 
  • Miracles - I've had quite a few in my life 
  • My doctors - for saving my life 
  • The nurses who have taken care of me - for saving my life and becoming part of our family as they did so 
  •  Dr. J - a women who helped me through the tough times 
  • Child Life Specialists - for understanding what it feels like to be a child in a hospital 
  • Camp Del Corazon - for giving me best friends that I still have to this day and a place to call my second home  
  • Mrs. Worthen - for giving me a coping mechanism that I still use to this day without even knowing it at he time 
  • All of those who have ever prayed for me or kept me in their thoughts during the tough times in my life. 


  1. Just found your blog while cruising around the internet. I'm a 27 years old, and nurse on a cardiology unit that specializes in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. I'm always interested to hear the personal stories of PHTN patients, especially young ones. Glad I found your blog and was able to browse through your story a bit. Are you on Flolan or Veletri, or just oral meds (I browsed a bit but wasn't able to read through everything, obviously). Keep up the awesome blog, I'll definitely pop by now and then to see how you're doing.

    1. Hi Rachel!

      Thanks so much for leaving me a comment, I really appreicate it. And thank you for all that you are doing for patients with PH. It is very much appreciated it by all of us who have PH!

      Hope and Love,


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