Wonderful Words Wednesday - MLK Quote

Monday was MLK, a day to remember and honor a wonderful man who paved the way for so many to have equal rights. One of his more favorite quotes starts off with, "I have a dream." but this quote may not be as well known, but it is beautiful and as always has a beautiful meaning. This quote reads, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is, what are you doing for others?" How are you helping others? What are you doing to make this world better for others? I believe that remembering and honor MLK should not be done on just one day, or with just one ceremony, parade or concert. But it should be done everyday, in the subtle but kind ways that MLK would want us to do. Showing someone kindness who otherwise may not have someone be so nice to them could change their whole day. Don't ever underestimate the power of a smile, a kind word or a helping hand to help pull someone back up. Let us remember and honor Martin Luther King Jr. every day by doing something for someone else, no matter how small it may seem, it can make a world of a difference to them. 

What are you doing for others? 

Hope and Love,


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