Went to the Hospital, No Worries Though - I'm Out!

Just wanted to apologize for the lack of a blog update since last week! 

If any of you follow me on Twitter (which you can click on the photo on the sidebar to the right to be directed to my Twitter account!) or if you're a friend of mine on Facebook, you'll know that I was in the hospital. ("If it's not one thing, it's another" as my mom would say!) No worries though, it wasn't for my heart this time! I had what my doctors called and yes they used this word, a "raging" UTI. I'll spare you the gory details of it, but I will say that the pain was some of the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life. At one point I told my mom that I'd rather go through a heart cath then have a UTI ever again. Thankfully though they started me on antibiotics and they caught it before it got any worse than it already was. I got out of the hospital Sunday and was still feeling sick to my stomach which was one of the symptoms but that seems to be done now along with some of the other side effects that I won't mention incase some of you just ate! 
I do have some cool news to share with you all! Last week or so I got a package in the mail from the Pulmonary Hypertension Association and inside of it was a book called 'A Patients Survival Guide' Last summer as some of you know, I went and spoke on a panel about writing as a form of coping for patients with PH at their international conference. A lady there gave me her card and asked me to help edit and write a few things for the book. Well this book was finally published and I got mentioned as a contributor in it! As you can imagine, I was more than excited! I took a picture of the page where I was mentioned and posted it on FB and Instagram. If you have PH and you still have some questions about it, how to deal with certain aspects of the disease or want to learn about more options, I would highly recommend the Survival Guide. It's a great book with tons of amazing information! 

Thanks to everyone for their amazing support, get well wishes if they knew I was in the hospital. And to my amazing readers, thanks for tuning in for every post, no matter how far apart they may be. (I promise to get back on schedule!) Whether you write a comment, Tweet me telling me you're thinking about me or just read my blog - your support is greatly appreciated and helps me keep going! 

Hope and Love,


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My Life As A Chronically
Ill Young Adult
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