Leaving Tomorrow for Another Evaluation

Tomorrow I leave for Pittsburgh for another transplant evaluation. This one will be quicker and will not have as many tests. But it doesn't make it any less nerve wracking. These past few weeks my asthma has not been good, so I started a steroid - which has now caused me to retain fluid. Because of these things, along with the fact that I am now having extra atrial beats, I am worried about what the doctors will say. 
This time of year is always difficult for me health wise. My asthma gets worse, I get a cold and it lingers for a while and it just drags me down. If we were going up to California for just another routine check up, I wouldn't be so worried. They know me. They trust me and my judgement. But Pittsburgh doesn't know me yet. Will they trust me? Or will they assume I'm just making excuses because I don't want to move? I hope that they are able to hear me and realize that I do not take this decision of transplant lightly. I know where this road is going. I know where this leads. I am just not sure if I am at the transplant part of my journey yet - and I hope they can respect that and wait this small health hiccup out, with me. 

I am pleased to announce though that I am not taking naps every day. In fact, my early bedtime has helped me feel so much more full of energy that I have only had one nap since the new year started. (And that was because I was in the ER until three in the morning). 

I want to thank you all for all your love and support, especially during this journey. Your prayers, messages, texts and e-mails all mean so much to me. Without you, I know that this would be even harder than it already is. Without you, I would not have made this far and would not be able to continue. So thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 

Hope and Love,


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My Life As A Chronically
Ill Young Adult
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