Pass It On

Hi guys,I want to start this blog post explaining a movie that came out in the 90's that was based off of a book. The movie and book were called Pay It Forward. The whole idea stemmed from a little boy for a school assignment on how they would change or make the word better. This little boy decided that he would do something nice for another person. And when that person asked him 'how can I repay you?' he would tell them, 'Just do something nice for three other people and ask them to do the same for you.' And then those people would do the same to three new people and it would continue, until every person in the world has done something kind and nice for at least three people. 
At they have taken this idea but added another element to it. Instead of just having someone's words to remind you to be kind, you would have a bracelet. Here is how it works:
  1. Get a bracelet
  2. See an act of kindness or someone “stepping up”
  3. Pass the bracelet on
Each bracelet has it's own special code. If you log onto the website you can track the bracelet and share your story of what you did to earn or get the bracelet passed onto you. It's a great way to share stories of kindness and encourage others to "step up".
 I've included a few photos of the bracelets and the small card you are supposed to give to the other person when you hand off the bracelet. Along with the official promo video for the organization. 

I strongly encourage you all to "step up" and "be kind" to one another. Buy a bracelet and pass on this wonderful idea of doing the right thing.  Click here for the link to this amazing website that has teamed up with Ben's Bells to spread kindness. 

Love and Hope,

Film Friday!

Hey guys, 
I wanted to share this trailer for a movie with you. This movie is about bullying and the rising epidemic in this country.We need to take an active approach to end the viciousness that goes on in our schools, on the internet, on the bus and in the locker rooms every where across America. 

 It is rated PG-13 however it is a movie that kids of all ages need to see. The PG-13 rating is for the language used by the bullies. When I saw the film there was only one or two scenes that used foul language but as long as the kids known not to use the words; this film shouldn't cause a problem. A lot of the language used, kids hear every day on the playground, at recess or in the lunch room. Encourage your kids to not use the words or to bully.

Pass this video, this message, these stories along. Help make a difference in a child's life by choosing to stand up for what is right. 

You can join the movement to end bullying here: 


Good News!

Hey guys,
So as I told you before, the doctors weren't too happy with the numbers they had found during the heart cath. So last Friday I had to have a CT Scan to check out the numbers once more, to see if the numbers had gotten better, the same or worse. The doctors thought that the bad numbers were probably from the horrific asthma attack that I had and good news, they were right!! After a month of working on my asthma, clearing my lungs and getting back on my low salt diet - the numbers have gone back to what they were in 2009. YAY! I just had to share this with you and say how happy and relieved my family and I are! We also want to thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and support during this!

Thank you guys!

Quick Update

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to give you guys a quick update about the heart cath and pacemaker replacement I got a few weeks ago. During the cath, I had a horrible asthma attack and they had to give me a bunch of asthma medications while I was still sedated. The doctors took a look at some of the pressures in my heart and they aren't too happy about them. They are hoping though that it was just because I had eaten a bunch of salt the night before (I splurged! Haha.) and because of the difficulty with my asthma. I have to go and get a CT scan in a few weeks to see if the numbers have gotten any better since than. I am back on my low salt diet and I am really monitoring my asthma closely now. I just hope that the numbers weren't "real" as the doctors liked to say. I'd really appreciate your thoughts during this time. If the numbers are "real" and my heart is getting worse, than the next step is to go back and talk with the transplant doctor and I am not ready for that step. Not ready at all. I like to think that I handle this kind of stuff pretty well, but when it comes to the idea of getting a transplant, I don't know how to deal with it at all. So I'd love to be able to put it off as long as possible. I want to thank you guys for being there for me through all of this, I really appreciate it.

Hope and Love,
My Life As A Chronically
Ill Young Adult
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